Friday, December 23, 2011



I have heard many great reviews about this anime. However, it was hard for me to really get attached to each character because everything fell together so quickly. I never really an emotional connection to a specific character enough for me to care who he chose to be with. I think the idea of the anime sounded better than the actual anime. It kind of drug out to me, and I wish it had established a longer and better connection to the character of which he chose. It wasn't terrible though, and it was interesting enough to actually finish, My damn curiosity kept me wanting to know who he picked! I must say that the animation and drawings of the girls was done very well! One of the best drawings I have seen in a anime! :)

Elfen Lied!

Elfen Lied
Wow. Just wow. New favorite anime. I fell in love with it as I continued watching the series. From the first episode I was hooked. I just couldn't stop wanting to know what was happening. I must say, it is quite depressing but one of the most beautiful masterpieces ever created. The sadness in the anime is not just a depressing make you want to slit your wrists sadness but such a beautiful thing. I just can't find the write words to express how much I loved this anime. Lucy is a phenomenal being and the supporting characters were just as good. There is a bunch of nudity, however, sometimes a bit too much and at times unnecessary. After the I finished the series there was so much I wanted to know. I looked up everything I could about the anime to tie up any loose questions I had. Which, there really wasn't many and I got my questions all explained. The ending was so beautiful.. I couldn't find a better way for the anime to end honestly. I keep trying to find ways of how it could have ended and the way it did just left it at a beautiful place. It was amazing, and I hope one day to find an anime that gives me the same kind of emotional play as this one did.

Love Hina!

Love Hina!

Again, a series that didn't take my interest directly at first but as it progressed I became more involved and curious. I am generally good at predicting animes/movies/books ect, and so I was a bit surprised at the ending. I mean, it wasn't anything completed shocking to say the least but I was expecting a little more to it than what happened and who it happened with. Not to be confusing but I am trying to be vague so it is not spoiled for those who haven't seen it. I also found it quite comedic that Keitaro always finds himself in some pretty perverted situations, always on accident of course.
The anime did a fantastic job of showing the connection between the characters. But over all a really great anime! Oh, with the exception of having watched the English dub and the dreadful, horribly annoying voice actor of Kitsune. If watched, I highly recommend the Japanese version to avoid voice that makes me want to drill a hole in my ear. :)


It took me awhile to really get into chobits. I thought the main character Chi was so adorable and very much enjoyable to watch. Very creative and definitely worth the watch. It will make you laugh and at time you will want to cry. The characters are easy to grow attached to, and it's very heart warming to watch the relationship between Chii and Hideki. I loved the way the book's Chii read pertained to her life as a persacom. Very well done!

10 Anime 10 Days

I have started a 10 anime, in 10 days challenge. I plan to watch and finish a series of animes every day and post my thoughts in here. I have a few lined up
Elfen lied, Chobits, Love Hina, Shuffle!, Ah my goddess!, Evangelion, Code Geass, .hack//sign, ect.

I have already completed a few since, I started this a few days ago. :)

Fruits Basket

It took me two attempts to watch this anime. I first started watching it, when I was 16. My friends were watching it, and I sat in on one episode. When they started explaining what was going on I quickly wrote it off as stupid. The idea of 3 guys turning into zodiac animals sounded ridiculous and not like the type of anime I was into at the time. I finally gave it a second chance about 2 years ago, and I couldn't be happier that I did. I went and read the manga I was so into it. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I loved the characters and how happy I was with the ending. :)
One of my top favorite animes and I recommend it to everyone. For me, my emotions followed this anime. When a character was sad, I felt sad too. I really got involved with the characters and connected with them. The way this anime is written is so beautiful, and enlightening.

Rumbling Hearts

Rumbling Hearts
I finished this series in one day. The love story triangle was enough to keep my interest sparked. Each character left me marked with curiosity for the ending of the series. The ending was to be expected, and to be honest this anime really didn't move me too much. I am glad that I watched it, and I could say it was worth it. It seems to be a bit like an anime soap opera which kept it interesting but there was nothing super special about it. Pretty basic and ordinary.

Vampire Knight

Vampire Knight

I have a rule with animes. I watch at least 5 episodes and then if I am bored I turn it off. Boy, am I glad I have this rule. The first few episodes didn't really capture my attention that much, but as the series progressed I became more and more intrigued with the anime. I wanted to know desperately the history of the vampires and what each character's real role was. I fell in love with it as it continued and I am very glad I finished it. It was definitely worth it!

Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu

HILARIOUS ANIME! Each episode Sousuke finds a new way to make me laugh. He takes the simple things in our life and finds a way to make you laugh at things you'd never have imagined in the first place. This is different than most anime I have watched as most episode seem a bit random, especially once he gets the bonta-kan costume. Definitely witty and extremely creative. I have watched a few times desperate to show my friends and get a good laugh from. A must see for sure!

Death Note

Death note Definitely one of my top favorites. It was the first anime I watched that has me hooked at the very first episode. Each and every episode was better than the last. I was so enthralled with in the series, I could not stop watching. I finished it within two days of starting it. The story line and plot were so creative and each episode something new shocked me. I couldn't get enough of it. Sadly, I started losing interest during the middle of the season where Near and Mello are introduced. Not that I didn't finish it or didn't enjoy it, it just seemed to kind of drag out after L.
I won't say much else to avoid any spoilers, you never know who might end up reading this. :) But nonetheless, amazing anime.

Super Gals

Super Gals This a slightly humorous anime about girls who kick ass! Literally. It again, not one of my top favorites but on a bored day it was a pretty good series to watch in my spare time. I don't have much else to say about it. What did you think about it?

Peach Girl

Peach girl
I almost didn't want to watch this because of the animation. I was not impressed by the characters drawing. It almost reminded me of the barbie series on tv when I was a child. However, I looked past it and it was quite an intriguing story line. I probably won't ever watch it again but it did keep me questioning and wanting to know more. I wanted to know who momo would end up with. I was definitely happy with the ending and for what it was, it was a pretty decent story line to say the least. :)

Dragonball & Z

Dragonball & Z

I am pretty sure just about everyone on the face of the earth has heard of/seen this anime. My favorite episodes are the boo and cell saga. I was always so interested in watching Goku learn new attacks to help defeat his enemies and save the world. From the spirit bomb to super saiyan form and of course the ever so famous kamaya maya wave. It is hard not to fall in love with each and every character. I think vegeta is my favorite for his arrogance and cocky behavior.

Gundam Wing

Again, another classic for me. I watched this anime because it came on after DragonBall Z. I enjoyed the story line between Hero and Relena. It isn't one of my top favorites but it did bring out some emotion for me. I do not remember very much about the anime since I have only watched the series once, but I do remember there being parts that brought me hope in the developing relationship between Hero and Relena, which is why I enjoyed the show. The gundam mobile suits fights left me interested enough in the anime to continue on.
But even so, this has it's own special place for me as well. :)

Sailor moon

Sailor moon

There is no particular order of the animes I am listing but instead I am reviewing them each and own as their own anime and not as a group of my favorites.

Sailor moon is a classic for me. It is the first anime I ever watched. I remember coming home from school everyday to tune into the latest episode. There are 200 episodes made within 5 seasons. Each of the sailor scouts has their own special power with sailor moon, of course, typically being the most powerful if you put sailor Saturn aside who rarely uses her power. I will always have a special place in my heart for this anime seeing that I grew up watching it. However, at the age of 20 and attempting to watch the last series again, I have noticed how cheesy the lines are. If you hadn't watched this as child I am not sure it would have the same astounding reviews that it has received present day.