Monday, February 17, 2014


Change is a part of life. Life is constantly changing, and its drastic and it's sudden. It happens quicker than a flash of lightening and can hit you like a ton of bricks when youre not looking. You'll wonder how you ended up where you are and how you arrived at your unplanned destination. It's inevitable. It's unstoppable. You don't have a choice in the matter, it's something we can only accept and move on. Deal with whatever change comes our way. It can be the most overwhelming burden of sadness imaginable. Everyone has their own definition of sadness, because everyone experiences loss and hurt in different spectrums. Being single and lonely, will never feel as bad as being in a relationship and feeling completely alone. Relationships begin with the excitement and celebration of having another person invest their time and attention in you. Being eager to learn everything they can about you, and desiring to spend every waking moment together. When the relationship loses the status of being new, it becomes routine, and simple gestures that once seemed so endearing now just seem to fade into a required, expected, subtle status. No longer does asking how their day went seem to have any kind of sincerity about it. Eventually it just becomes presumations and no longer holds true value and care. We assume we know everything about the other person, so asking seems so pointless. One day you wake up and realize you don't know who that person is anymore. You don't understand why they have changed and why they no longer to seem to be on the same page as you anymore about anything. The person you knew seems to be a ghost of the person standing in front of you.

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